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The Nion Collection is a small batch production lighting range, consisting of three limited edition lamps; a small yet charming Task Lamp, a versatile Desk Lamp and a Floor Lamp that simply transforms spaces with warmth and texture.
The complete edition is made entirely from a single Ash tree, felled locally in London. This limits the batch production to very low numbers each year; dictated solely by the volume of timber the felled tree provides.
This deliberate approach to production limitations is intended to connect us and our patrons to the nature of material resource streams, and the circularity of natural capital and more directly to nature itself, and the impacts both intended and unintended that material culture has. By making these connections we hope in our own small way to facilitate healthier approaches and perspectives to making things appropriately, locally and at a human scale and natural scale.
As one of our big inspirations, E. F. Schumacher said most eloquently ‘Small is beautiful’.
Please enjoy the Nion Collection.